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Smart Traffic

TechNexion’s Smart Traffic Solution Enables an Optimization to the Traffic Flow

In today’s world, the demand on transportation is higher than ever. Commuters spend valuable time in congested traffic every day. If we neglect road safety, we are highly exposed to dangers. To resolve those traffic problems, TechNexion gives you unprecedented IoT innovation and improvement to the daily traffic operations.

Our TEK8 Series Embedded Computers are equipped with NVIDIA® Jetson Xavier™ NX and able to connect with up to 24 VizionLink Cameras with onsemi AR0144 Global Shutter Image Sensors as a single unit. This integration offers the capability of Edge Computing to minimize time lags from data transmission. As an alternative of cloud computing with lower bandwidth limit, it provides commuters instant instructions on their travel and delivers administrative terminal system real-time information to make operational decisions and react to unscheduled disruptions.

Application 1 : Traffic Flow Estimation and Road Safety Surveillance

To cope with rush-hour demand and harsh outdoor environment, our VizionLink cameras are IP68 rated and equipped with the global shutter which allows the cameras to capture dynamic objects within an ultra-short time. Robust cables up to 15 meter and waterproof FAKRA connectors ensure high reliability under difficult conditions and collect data to one TEK8 computer for highly efficient edge computing.

Traffic Flow Estimation and Road Safety Surveillance

AI-based Vehicle Type Identification

Increases the accuracy rate of classifying vehicle types.

AI-based Vehicle Type Identification

Vehicle Accident Detection and Reporting

For preventing human injuries and lowering mortality.

Vehicle Accident Detection and Reporting

License Plate Reading

Through VizionLink HDR cameras capturing images of license plates for law enforcement use or commercial purposes.

License Plate Reading

Occupancy Detection

For high-occupancy vehicle lane enforcement, maximizing the people-carrying capacity of roadways.

Occupancy Detection

Application 2: In-vehicle Surveillance on transportation

Transportation safety is the result of a complex process in transportation, and it also plays a vital role in urban development. The TEK8 computer connected with 24 cameras can be installed inside the public transportations (bus, tram, train) to manage the safety risks and smooth the peak passenger flow by blind spot detection and door monitoring.

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The global logistics market and demand for trucks have grown rapidly in the last decade, and so have the severe injuries or deaths from truck accidents. To minimize the risk and improve safety, multiple cameras can be installed at the blind spots of a truck to detect smaller vehicles or pedestrians, and the driver can take prompt actions to prevent an accident according to the real-time video. All cameras are processed on the same host system instead of a distributed system. Thus, it is a space-saving solution with substantially reduced integration costs.

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TechNexion is dedicated to improving the life quality of human beings through technologies and innovations and delivering more value to our clients. Let us start resolving your problem with our recommended models:

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